
Commercial islands – business idea

Commercial islands – business idea: Running your own business involves the need to look for new solutions that will allow you to constantly develop your business. The retail industry is booming, but on the other hand, we are constantly oversaturating the market. It is especially difficult for small shops, which may move to a shopping mall in search of customers. The matter is not that simple, however, but the solution is trade islands.

Little activity, big trouble

The biggest problem in running a small shop is the fact that people are much more likely to visit larger galleries where they can shop for the whole family. Of course, small shops have their own atmosphere and there will certainly be a group of regular, trusted customers. However, it is difficult to talk about business development in this case, and development is a prerequisite for survival on the market today. So a few solutions remain. For example, you can open a second store elsewhere, but the success of this business may be questionable, as not always in the new place will be willing to visit our store. You can also try to expand the range available in the store. In this case, it is good to bet on articles from the related industry, but also this does not guarantee the success of the business. So it remains to move the activity to a place,which is eagerly visited by crowds of customers, i.e. to a shopping mall. Despite the fact that shopping malls have recently grown up like mushrooms in almost every town, locating a shop there is not a simple matter. You also need to know which galleries are worth investing in. Certainly, one should not think of small galleries that are only an addition to free-standing hypermarkets. The success of this type of site is low. Therefore, you should try your hand at large galleries that gather the largest stores. Such places are visited by a large number of customers, which significantly increases our chances of success.

Gallery restrictions

The difficulty in renting retail space in the mall is that its owners often demand exorbitant amounts of rent for even a small space. These rates are not negotiable, which often prevents entrepreneurs from opening a business in the gallery. Moreover, some galleries have specific types of stores that they want to operate in their area. It is closely profiled with the client who is to visit the gallery. This does not mean, however, that we are doomed to remain a small, neighborhood shop. You can try to open a trade island. In almost every gallery there are trade islands that provide various types of services from clothing trade to insurance sales. Commercial islands are much cheaper space than standard stores, but their price will be high anyway.However, it is worth investing in the fact that the restrictions of gallery owners as to the types of operating stores usually do not apply to commercial islands or they are much smaller in relation to them.

Does it make sense?

The commercial islands are visited by many customers, and additionally, they catch the eye of even those who originally came to the gallery for a completely different purpose. Lots of people just wander around the gallery without a target viewing the webpages. Commercial islands are on their way, so every passer-by can stop for a moment and see our offer. However, opening a trade island is a huge obligation. Introducing a store to a shopping center requires maintaining the highest standards that are imposed by the owners of these galleries.So it cannot be that even a trade island fails to meet such restrictions. In addition, a free-standing store may be closed in a situation where the business owner or employee cannot come to the workplace and open the store. In shopping malls, however, there are different rules – failure to open a shopping island is often associated with a high financial penalty. It cannot be that some shops in the mall open only when they want to. After all, this is not the principle of operation of such points.

The owner of the gallery will not be interested in why our trade island has not been opened – he may, in accordance with the contract in force, impose a fine. However, the opening of a trade island does not mean that you have to close your free-standing store. The contract with the gallery is often signed only for a trial period, which lasts about a year.After this time, we can fully consciously determine whether our business is doing better. If not, just close the island and not sign another contract. It may also turn out that the conditions for running a business in a shopping center will exceed us, then we can also return to trading outside the gallery. Perhaps, however, it will turn out that a trade island is a great business idea that will allow us to earn more and develop our current business. Then it is also good to sign another contract, thanks to which we will be able to successfully continue our business.
