
What does a podiatrist do with corns?

What does a podiatrist do with corns – corns on the feet are a common complaint of people who visit a podiatrist. They are not only an aesthetic problem, but they are also associated with pain that hinders everyday functioning.

What exactly are fingerprints?

Corns are hard spots on the feet that are formed by friction and permanent pinpoint pressure. Through the friction resulting from wearing uncomfortable shoes or the compression of the bones, the skin tissue introduces its defense mechanism. It then becomes harder, and the resulting thick horny spot turns into a painful callus. Corns from the outside can have a different shape: ellipsoid, oblong or round. In the field of podiatry, there are even 12 types of corns. They are often extremely painful. The pain is the result of the cone-shaped core growing deeper and deeper into the foot over time. It happens that it pierces the soft tissue and reaches as far as the periosteum. Removing the corn in the podiatry office requires a lot of time.

Most often, the specialist meets with “Clavus Durus” hard corns and “Clavus Sulcus” corns in the nail shaft. They can be removed quite easily. Patients also report quite often with calluses on the midfoot. These changes may also appear on other parts of the foot, in the nail shaft or, in rare cases, under the nail plate. Home methods of their elimination often turn out to be ineffective and even worsen the condition of the feet. A person struggling with corns on the feet must remember about proper prevention. Without it, the problem can get worse and take on a more serious form. Unremoved corns move deeper, causing pain and leading to the development of inflammation.

Causes of corns on the feet

The main cause of these skin changes is long-term pressure on the tissues. It can be caused by wearing uncomfortable and too tight shoes. People who struggle with flat feet, posture defects, calluses or foot deformities are particularly vulnerable to the appearance of corns. As for the risk factors for corns on the feet, the following can be mentioned:

  • doing sports,
  • abnormal gait,
  • high body weight,
  • standing for long periods of time, for example at work.

How does a podiatrist remove corns on the feet?

The only safe place to remove corns is the podiatry office. It is not worth trying to get rid of these changes on your own, because home remedies are most often ineffective, and at the same time harmful to health. In order to remove them, you should therefore go to a foot specialist, i.e. an experienced and well-qualified podiatrist. In order to remove the lesion, the subologist uses disposable tools. The whole procedure consists in recognizing the type of corns, and then removing them using a chisel. In the next stage, the place after removal of the lesion is smoothed with the use of milling cutters and caps. Then the subologist lubricates the place formed after the impression with a special healing agent. At the very end, it assumes relief, actively supporting the healing of the treated area.

After removing the corn, the patient can immediately return to his daily duties. Importantly, he does not feel pain or discomfort. The procedure performed by a professional is usually completely painless. The imprint is usually removed during the first visit to the podiatrist’s office. However, if the patient is struggling with deep and advanced changes, then it may be necessary to make several visits to the office. In such a situation, the subologist also uses special exfoliating agents and dressings. The procedure of removing painful corns is often performed under local anesthesia.

How long does therapy last?

The duration of therapy depends on the size and depth of the corns. One treatment is usually enough to remove a small lesion. In the case of extensive corns, the patient must prepare for even months of therapy. If you want to quickly get rid of a painful lesion, you should not wait for its development. It is worth contacting a specialist as soon as possible after observing disturbing symptoms. Then just follow the podiatrist’s recommendations for daily foot care.

Why should fingerprints not be ignored?

Corns on the feet are a kind of pathological tissue condition and can also be accompanied by inflammation. With the development of this ailment, the keratinized epidermis reaches even stronger and deeper into healthy skin tissues, which can exacerbate inflammation. Importantly, the longer the condition lasts, the more difficult it is to remove the corn. The whole healing process takes longer. For this reason, it is best to start acting quickly to regain everyday walking comfort and ensure your safety.

How to prevent foot prints?

The most important thing is to choose the right footwear. It cannot be too narrow or too tight. It should also have a sole that cushions the ground well. Another important thing is to always dry the spaces between the toes well. You should also avoid removing corns or other lesions using exfoliating liquids and patches. Feet should be taken care of every day by lubricating them with appropriate creams.

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