
What is worth knowing about removing wrinkles with botox?

What is worth knowing about removing wrinkles with botox? There is no doubt that smooth and supple skin is everyone’s dream. Representatives of the fair sex take particular care of their skin. However, we are not always able to deal with the problems that prevent our skin from looking as we would like it to. One problem that is difficult to deal with is undoubtedly wrinkles. However, botox comes to our aid – the elimination of wrinkles. 

How to prepare for botox?

You should prepare yourself properly for the treatment of botox – elimination of wrinkles. First of all, make sure that there are no contraindications for the procedure. The aesthetic medicine doctor who will perform the procedure will certainly want to find out. To this end, he will conduct a detailed interview. A contraindication to the procedure will undoubtedly be a neurological disease involving weakening of muscle strength. It is impossible not to mention the contraindication which is pregnancy. Botox – the elimination of wrinkles cannot be carried out also when inflammation appears on our skin. So if we struggle with intense acne, there is a good chance that the doctor will propose to postpone the treatment to another date. Botox cannot be performed also when we are taking medications,which thin our blood. Of course, after you finish taking them, you will be able to undergo the procedure. It is also very important to perform botox when we do not have a menstrual period. During menstruation there is a greater tendency to the appearance of bleeding. If we make sure that there are no contraindications to the procedure, we can safely undergo it. There is no need to prepare for it in any special way.<

How is the procedure going?

Botox – elimination of wrinkles is a procedure whose course is not too complicated. A very important stage is proper skin preparation. The doctor who performs the procedure deals with it. At the very beginning, it is necessary to degrease the skin and disinfect it. For this purpose, the doctor uses specially selected preparations. Anesthesia is not necessary as the punctures performed during the procedure are not very painful. Many people liken them to mosquito bites. The preparation is injected in places where wrinkles appear. The forehead is most sensitive to the appearance of premature wrinkles. This is where the so-called lion wrinkles are formed. Very often, botox is also injected around the eyes and mouth. Thanks to this, we can get rid of, for example, stubborn crow’s feet. After the procedure,aesthetic medicine doctor cools the patient’s skin. A carefully selected preparation containing vitamin K is also patted into the skin. Certain activities should be avoided after the treatment.

First of all, you should avoid massaging the face, as this could reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. Sudden bending down should also be avoided. Many women who decide to use botox-elimination of wrinkles wonder how long the entire procedure takes. In the vast majority of cases, it does not last longer than a quarter of an hour.Sudden bending down should also be avoided. Many women who decide to use botox-elimination of wrinkles wonder how long the entire procedure takes. In the vast majority of cases, it does not last longer than a quarter of an hour.Sudden bending down should also be avoided. Many women who decide to use botox-elimination of wrinkles wonder how long the entire procedure takes. In the vast majority of cases, it does not last more than a quarter of an hour.

What else is worth knowing about the procedure?

Botox – elimination of wrinkles is a procedure that is able to bring satisfactory results. The effects of the treatment will last up to seven months. Some representatives of the fair sex, however, claim that the effects last much longer, up to ten months. There is probably no woman who would not think about the price of the procedure. The price of a botox injection varies depending on how large the area of ​​the skin is being treated. It should also be remembered that the prices vary depending on the city and surgery in which we perform the treatment. Unfortunately, the highest prices are in the largest cities. Before we decide to use the offer of a specific clinic, it would be good to review a few or even a dozen or so offers. Thanks to this, we will be able to find the best one.It would also be good to read the opinions of customers about individual offices. The greater the number of positive opinions, the greater the chance that the procedure will be performed by a professional and experienced aesthetic medicine doctor.

Generally speaking, the removal of forehead wrinkles is the most expensive. Many women also choose to remove neck wrinkles. The cost of their removal is also relatively high. The lowest costs will be associated with the elimination of the wrinkles of the corners of the mouth. If we decide to undergo surgery, it would also be good to ask your doctor how to proceed after the procedure. To maintain the effects of botox, it would be worth using carefully selected cosmetics. An aesthetic medicine doctor will certainly suggest using a properly selected preparation that inhibits the formation of new wrinkles.However, it should be borne in mind that the use of the cream must be regular and systematic. Otherwise, there can be no question of maintaining the effects.

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